Memasang Emoticon Kaskus di Blog

Cara membuat emoticon kaskus di komentar

nah, saya updat lagi nie. :D . Saya kali ini aka mengajak sobat untuk Memasang Emoticon Kaskus di Blog. jadi, setiap penggunjung yang ingin berkomentar bisa memasang emoticon kaskus pada komentarnya.  

Kaskus merupakan salah satu forumonline terbesar di indonesia. emoticon kaskus ini sangat menarik dan membuat suasana forum terasa sangat hidup. nah, bagaimana kalo seandainya kita 
menaruh emoticon ini di blog sobat, pasting banyak tu yang koment-koment di blog sobat. sekaligus blog sobat jadi lebih interaktiv. :D.

 Langsung aja yuk kita ke TKP..

1. Masuk ke akun blog sobat. 
2. Selanjutnya di dasboard klik Rancangan => Edit HTML dan Centang 
proses membuat emoticon kaskus
3. Kemudian cari kode </body> lalu copy-paste kode di bawah ini tepat di atas kode </body>
 <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
4. Selanjutnya cari kode <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/> dan letakkan kode di bawah ini tepat di bawah kode <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
 <div style='-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 369; text-align: left; border: 1px solid #cccccc; padding: 5px; background: #eeeddf; height:86'>
<img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :ilovekaskus
<img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :iloveindonesia
<img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :kiss <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/>:maho <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :najis <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :nosara <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :marah <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :berduka <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :malu: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/>:ngakak <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :repost: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :repost2: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :sup2: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :cendolbig <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :batabig <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :takut <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :ngacir2: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :shakehand2: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :bingung <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :cekpm <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :cd <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :hammer <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :peluk <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :toast <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :hoax: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :cystg <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :selamat <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :thumbup <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :2thumbup <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :angel <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :matabelo <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :mewek: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :request <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :babyboy: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :babyboy1: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :babymaho <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :babyboy2: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :babygirl <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :sorry <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :kr: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :travel <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :nohope <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :kimpoi <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :ngacir: <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :rate5 <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :cool <img class='smiley' height='50' src='' width='50'/> :bola </b></div>
5. Simpan Template sobat dan lihat perubahan yang terjadi.

Di atas form komentar sobat sudah terdapat emociton kaskus dan sobat dapat mencoba emoticon tersebut bisa atau tidak. Jika tidak bisa sobat dapat berkomentar di sini agar saya dapat membantu agar masalah sobat dapat teratasi.
Selamat Mencoba


Membuat Related Post

Related Post List  Picture

Saya hadir lagi. :D. kali ini saya akan membahas tentang cara Membuat Related Post. Contohnya dapat sobat lihat pada gambar di atas. keren kan.. Gampang aja kok cara membuatnya. asalkan sobat mengikuti dengan baik langkah-langkah yang saya berikan. nah, dari pada kelamaan, langsung aja yuk kita praktek di TKP.

Langkah Membuat Related Post :

1. Silahkan menuju ke mode Edit HTML anda melalui Dashboard blogger ► Layout ► Edit HTML
2. Beri tanda centang pada kotak kecil bertuliskan 'Expand Widget Templates'
3. Cari tag atau kode </head> dan copy- paste kode di bawah ini sebelum kode </head> atau tepat di atas kode </head> 

    #related-posts {
    float : left;
    width : 540px;
    margin-left : 5px;
    font : 11px Verdana;
    #related-posts .widget {
    list-style-type : none;
    margin : 5px 0 5px 0;
    padding : 0;
    #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 {
    font-size : 20px;
    font-weight : normal;
    margin : 5px 7px 0;
    padding : 0 0 5px;
    #related-posts a {
    text-decoration : none;
    #related-posts a:hover {
    text-decoration : none;
    #related-posts ul {
    border : medium none;
    margin : 10px;
    padding : 0;
    #related-posts ul li {
    display : block;
    background :
    url(&quot; GbYNm2feyIQ/rss.png&quot;) no-repeat 0 0;
    margin : 0;
    padding-top : 0;
    padding-right : 0;
    padding-bottom : 1px;
    padding-left : 21px;
    margin-bottom : 5px;
    line-height : 2em;
    border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc;
    #related-posts ul li:hover {
    border-top:1px dotted #cccccc;
    <script src=' _hack.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    Cari kode <p><data:post.body/></p> . kode pada setiap template biasanya berbeda beda. kode biasanya seperti ini <div class='post-body> atau ada juga yang seperti ini <p><data:post.body/></p> . Sebenarnya kode ini bisa ditempatkan dibagian template yang anda sukai bila anda cukup mengerti tentang coding. Tapi yang pasti cari kode <p><data:post.body/></p> saja dulu. Untuk cara termudah anda bisa menggunakan perintah dengan menekan tombol CTRL+F di keyboard anda dan masukkan kode yang ingin dicari di kotak yang tersedia.

    Setelah sobat mendapatkan kode <p><data:post.body/></p>, lalu copy-paste kode dibawah ini tepat di bawah kode tersebut.

     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div id="related-posts">
    <font face='Arial' size='3'><b>Related Posts : </b></font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=
    5&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> </font>
    <script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();

    4. Selanjutnya simpan Template sobat

    1. Untuk menempilkan link related post sebanyak mungkin ganti angka yang berwarna biru diatas dengan yang anda inginkan.
    2. Untuk mengganti icon di samping kiri link related post, anda harus mengganti kode URL  gambar yang berwarna merah dengan URL gambar yang anda kehendaki. Anda bisa menggunakan situs penyedia jasa hosting gambar gratis seperti photobucket dan imageshack atau di blogger sendiri di sini.
    3. Untuk mengganti warna atau style hover ( warna atau style yang muncul di related post ketika disorot oleh mouse ) anda bisa mengutak - atik kode css nya. Tepatnya di kode
     #related-posts ul li:hover {
    border-top:1px dotted #cccccc;



    Membuat Daftar Isi Otomatis

    akhirnya bisa juga update ni blog. udag lama tidak blogging. :D. langsung aja yuk ke topik bahasan. nah, kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara Membuat Daftar ISI Otomatis pada blog. Daftar isi ini akan secara otomatis meng-index artikel kita, jadi kita tidak perlu lagi repot-repot membuat memasukkan artikel kita satu-persatu ke dalam daftar isi. lansung aja yuk ke TKP.

    Untuk membuat daftar isi otomatis dapat sobat lakukan dengan cara berikut ini :

    1. Masuk ke account blogger anda
    2. Pilih tata letak/layout
    3. Pilih tambah gadget
    4. Pilih HTML/javascript.
    5. Beri Judul Dafar isi atau judul sesuai dengan keinginan sobat

    Kopas kode di bawah ini
    <div style="overflow:auto;width:430px;height:120px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #eee"><script style="text/javascript" src=""></script><script src=" script&callback=loadtoc"></script>

    Ket : = Ganti dengan alamat blog sobat.
    width:430px Ganti Lebar sesuai dengan yang sobat inginkan, sesuaikan dengan template.
    height:120pxGanti tinggi nya sesuai dengan keinginan sobat

    6. Kemudian save dan letakkan sesuai dengan keinginan sobat.

    Jadi, deh daftar isi sobat. Selamat Mencoba.



    Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition|Mediafire|

     Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, brings the definitive vision of Street Fighter to the PC. The follow-up to the critically acclaimed Super Street Fighter IV will further redefine the fighting game genre with classic 2D Street Fighter fighting action, a host of new andreturning characters, beefed up online modes, and more. Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition features a roster of 39 

    characters. This includes characters from the original Street Fighter IV such as Ryu, Chun-li, El Fuerte, and Rufus, while adding the 10 characters from Super Street Fighter IV and 4 new characters, including classic combatants Yun, Yang, and Evil Ryu as well as the 
    all-new Oni. 

    Size : ( 7.6 GB )

    FTP Links
    Repack Version 
    Size [4.7 GB]
     Released: 2011

     Genre: Arcade (Fighting) / 3D
     Developer: Capcom
     Foreign Publisher: Capcom
     Game Version:
     Publication Type: Repak
     Language: English / Russian
     Language: English
      Tablet: enclosing (SKIDROW)

    Password : 

    Membuat I Love Indonesia di Pojok Atas

    hy,, sobat. kali ini saya akan mengajak sobat untuk membuat blog/web sobat jadi lebih indah tampilannya. saya akan memberi tahukan bagaimana caranya membuat logo I Love Indonesia di pojok atas seperti yang dapat sobat liat di blog saya ini. langsung aja yuk kita ke TKP.
    [-] langkah pertama tentunya sobat harus log in dulu ke blog sobat.
    [-] langkah selanjutnya pilih Rancangan =>Elemen laman => Tambah Gadget => html/javascript
    [-] setelah itu copas kode di bawah ini

    <script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> cot("")</script>

    kemudia save. dan sekarang lihat blog sobat, pasti sudah terdapat logo I Love Indonesia. sekian dulu ya sampai jumpa di trik and tips selanjutnya.

    Virtua Tennis 4 |SKIDROW|MEDIAFIRE|

    The world’s top stars return
    The top players in the world return, joined by some of the most exciting up-and-coming contenders. An all-star line-up of 19 players includes Nadal, Federer, Murray, Sharapova, Wozniacki and Williams.
    Headbands at the ready
    Players will be able to get even closer to the real thing with new motion control functionality on Move, Wii Motion+ and Kinect™ for Xbox 360®.
    Tennis stardom awaits
    A totally new World Tour sees the VT career mode go ‘RPG’. Designed to encourage replay value and with an element of off-court fame, each decision affects a player’s career path meaning no two careers will ever be the same.
    Intel Processor : Pentium D 2.66 GHz
    AMD Processor : Athlon LE-1640
    Nvidia Graphics Card : GeForce GT 130
    ATI Graphics Card : Redeon HD 5550 512Mb
    RAM : 2 GB
    Free Harddisk : 5 GB
    Direct X : 9
    * System requirements displayed are based on recommended system requirements and should be used as a guide only.

     Size : ( 2.7 GB )

    F.E.A.R 3 |Full ISO + Repack |

    ma is expecting and a new level of terror grows as you and your cannibal brother battle through a hellish nightmare. Fight together or die alone on a deadly mission to confront your twisted mother. Players can take on the role of Point Man, a genetically enhanced soldier with superhuman reflexes and the ability to manipulate time, or the undead spirit of his brother Paxton Fettel, a paranormal entity who possesses incredible psychic powers 
    Operating System: Microsoft ® Windows XP (SP2) / Vista / 7
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz or equivalent Athlon X2
    RAM: 2 GB
    Video: 512 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9.0 (GeForce 8800GT or Radeon HD3850)
    Sound Card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
    Free hard drive space: 5 GB

    Full Skidrow  version  
    Size : ( ~ 4.4 GB )
    Password :
    Full repack Version
    F.E.A.R 3 [ 3.3 GB]

    Features repack:  
    * Nothing Cut/Only Languages except ENG and RUS 
    * Installation time - 15-30  
    * Uploaded by dlgames4free         
    Release of Releasepic
    Password :

    Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

    StyleWP News – Premium WordPress Theme

    Stylewp News Theme is a Magazine/News style WordPress Premium theme from StyleWP News Theme comes 13 custom coded widgets to make it easier to manage your site. You can display featured post on home page along with recent post from particular categories. News Theme has 3 Selectable Frontpage Layouts.

    StyleWP News – Premium WordPress Theme

    • Completely Widgetised Layout
    • 13 Custom-Coded Widgets
    • 12 Widgetised Areas
    • 3 Selectable Frontpage Sections
    • 16 Advertising Blocks
    • CSS Dropdown Menu
    • Custom Menu Support
    • Built-In Thumbnail Support
    • Simple 30-second Installation
    • Jquery Theme Control Panel
    • Google Adsense & Analytics Ready
    • Feedburner Support
    • Nested Comments with Gravatar Support
    • PDF Users Guide
    • Full Source PSD & Font Files
    • WordPress 3.x Ready
    • No Plugins Required
    • Use on Unlimited Domains
    • FREE! Support & Updates
    • Major Browser Compatible
    • Valid CSS Level 2.1 or 3
    Article Source :


    A Good Template Makes Your Site More Successful

    By: Alexi Snider

    Templates are the most important part of a successful website. Every successful site on the web has some sort of overall design structure, which adds to its beauty. A good structural design of headers, footers, navigation, and good content adds a user-friendly base to get around even in complicated sites. Fortunately, you can find a number of pre made templates that will set up a base for your website and all you need to do is enter your personalized text to make a site, which you desire. Many templates can be found free of cost on the internet.

    Now, what is a Template? It is a page for your website that needs to be created only once which includes all the link structure information and designs with the content of each page either left blank or right blank. You then can make a copy of your desired template for each page and can fill in the content, rename it. Browsing a site which has different colour pages and has navigation links in different places can be frustrating at times.

    So where to look for free templates that will give you a start? One place where you can find good templates easily is right in your web hosting panel. Most of the web hosts today use the common interface software called cPanel. It includes various types of different template options right in the site builders tab. No pre-existing knowledge is needed to work in cpanel as some of the options even have step by step methods on how to create. You just have to follow the steps and a template will be created for you according to your desire.

    If you want your own custom template with some specific likings and features then there are many template files directly available for download, which will give you the type of template, which you can edit, and fill in just like any other HTML file.

    Both free and pay templates are available on the template sites. You can simply Google "website template" or "free website templates" and you will have a large number of options. Usually the pay ones are designed in a better way, and they have a very less probability that other sites have the same template as that of yours.

    Wordpress blog is another great option to build a site, which nowadays is becoming one of the most popular methods of site building. They are very simple to create. It just uses small form in your web-hosting panel and once you have the access to the Wordpress admin dashboard, it has a very easy way to find "theme" area that has hundreds of free blog templates to choose from and these templates are very adaptable to almost any site that you desire for.

    Article Source :

    Free Blog Templates for Blogger

    By Patty Bender

    Blogging may be the buzz word for the last five years, but it actually has been around since the internet started to spread across the country becoming an essential part of every US home. Even before the emergence of web 2.0, blogging was already meant to not only provide information, but also to share the opinions and thoughts of the bloggers. And today, blogging has evolved so much that stuff like "free blog templates for blogger" are one of the most popular searches made each day.

    For the better part of the last decade, the number of bloggers has risen dramatically and this is partly due to the availability of free blog hosting sites like Blogger. Now owned by internet giant Google, Blogger is one of the earliest free blogging sites to come out and was purchased by Google when the blogging industry started to explode. After the transition of ownership, Blogger integrated numerous innovations which made it easy for anyone to use and opened up the use of premium features that were previously reserved for those willing to pay for their use.

    One of these features, which also received a major revamp, was its template editing feature. It introduced an extremely user friendly editing option which allowed the user to customize the layout and the page elements of your blog. With just a few clicks you can change the fonts, colors, sidebar contents, header, and all the other options you may want, especially with revenue generating ads like AdSense.

    If you really want to have a more personalized look for your Blogger account, it's even possible to download free blog templates for blogger and customize it even further. These free templates are already great as they come, but to avoid any chance of another blogger site having downloaded the same template and using it, you can just treat the template as an empty canvas and from there customize it to further make it your own.

    The best thing about free blog templates for blogger is the fact that they are free, plus, if you don't have the skills to create your own template, this will save you a lot of time in learning how to do it and starting from scratch in building one. You also save money from having to purchase one or hire the services of a template designer to create a customized template for you.

    Article Source:

    Basic Uses And Guides To Modifying Blogger Templates

    By : David L. Allen

    Bloggers are people who create blogs. Templates are ready to use documents or applications specifically designed for easy use or modification. So a blogger template by definition, is an application that is made to be used or modified by bloggers for creating a blog. A lot of these templates are available in the internet. Some are free while others are for sale. These blogger templates are beneficial to people who wouldn't want to pay big amounts to hire website designers or professional blog designers. This is a very efficient way to minimize your cost while maximizing the opportunity for a good advertisement.

    A lot of companies nowadays turn to the internet to promote their products. It promotes savings and at the same time, the internet can reach a wider range of audience. Almost everyone in the world has access to the internet, no wonder millions of blogs are created everyday. Companies capitalize on this trend. Advertising in the internet through blogs is just a fraction of the cost compared to other means of advertising.

    If you are a blogger looking for a template, there are several things that you should consider. You need to take into consideration if the template fits your objective on why you are creating a blog. You consider as well if it's easy to modify to fit the needs of your blog. Also you must see if the applications on the template are easy to use and is compatible to other applications readily available to you or through the internet.

    Always remember that your web template should always match your blog design so that it will attract viewers and visitors. This will ensure that your blog will be frequently visited by internet users. There are thousands of free to download blogger templates in the internet; you won't run out of new designs to choose from. And the steps to modify these templates are available upon downloading. The steps generally apply to all templates. It involves an easy series of copying and pasting of codes. You simply supply the template with the information and it will automatically format based on your desired outcome.

    People want constant changes, they want continuity and won't settle for old and outdated blogs. When you enter a blog that is boring, unattractive and lifeless, the first thing that comes in mind is that who ever owns this site has nothing new to offer, way past prime or is outdated and don't even have money to pay for a designer, or in short you get turned off and won't even click on links and simply exit the site. When that happens, the owner loses the opportunity to sell and prosper. That's why a good, updated and attractive blog is needed especially if it is used for business as it reflects good standing.

    Article Source :

    How to Apply A WordPress Theme

    By Justin Wright

    One of the biggest advantages to WordPress is the easy to use theme system. This makes changing your blog or websites design a really easy task. Best of all, many themes are available for free of charge. The key is to learn how to use the theme system so you do not waste your time trying to figure out why your theme is not working.

    If you want to apply a WordPress theme, the first step is making sure you have the theme installed. There are two different ways that a WordPress theme can be installed. The first option is to install it manually by uploading the theme folder to your themes directory. This requires some knowledge of FTP and web directories.

    The second option is to use the build in theme uploader, which can be accessed from directly in the WordPress administration panel. To get started, just browser to the appearance section in WordPress and click on the themes section. One in here, you can just click on the add new theme button to get started. You can either search for a theme in the directory or choose the zip file you downloaded from somewhere else on the internet.

    Regardless of the way you choose, WordPress will automatically install the theme for you and place it in the correct folder. Once this is done, you are then ready to apply the WordPress theme.

    Guess what? Activating the theme is even easier than installing it! All you have to do is look at your installed themes and choose the one you want to use. Then just use the activate link to automatically apply any given them. Within a matter of seconds, your entire blog or website layout will completely change based on the theme you are using. Talk about an easy way to design websites!

    Article Source:

    Ultimate Blogging Theme - My Favourite WordPress Theme

    By Jessica Huang

    Recently I have been working on to change the color of the title name and fonts of my blog and I tried several plugins, but I am not satisfied with the results. Fortunately I found a very Google friendly WordPress theme, named "Ultimate Blogging Theme". I love it.

    Firstly, I found Ultimate Blogging Theme is very convenient. I just need to choose my blog layout that I like, color scheme, advertising position, social bookmarking, etc. Actually I changed the font size, color of blog title, description, header box heading, content body and others from the fonts section in UBT headquarters easily. And when I add a new page, it can be added into navigation menu automatically.

    The second is that Ultimate Blogging Theme is simple and easy to use. Setting up an eye-catching blog looks like a piece of cake by following the Ultimate Blogging Theme setup video. The step-by-step video tutorial shows how to install UBT, how to choose blog layout, where to pick social bookmarking, and how to set up the widgets, and so on. I just followed and completely set up the theme in a few minutes.

    And I also appreciate the advertising placements have already been there. Ultimate Blogging Theme has been developed by a well-known successful kid blogger Carl Ocab. He has tested and found the best ads placements on blogs, and in these designed places visitors tend to click through ads. And these places are header ad, content ad, middle ad, footer ad. I put in my ads in these places directly for they have suggested sizes already.

    The other thing I like Ultimate Blogging Theme is that the purchase is one time payment and it offers me free updates in my life time. This theme has already included custom style sheet and custom functions, so when I want to update in the future, my customization will not lose. It has been tested and proven to produce the best results on-page SEO.

    So if you are looking for a Wordpress theme simple and easy to use, I highly recommend you take Ultimate Blogging Theme a shot. If you try to get your blog optimized and give you a lot of free traffic, you can click here to get more information on this Google friendly WordPress theme.

    Article Source:

    How to Make Google Happy - What Are They Really Searching For?

    By Jerry Pelletier

    It's no secret that all the virtual strings are being pulled by Papa Google. What Google loves, the world loves. What Google bans, ceases to exist.

    The reality is, most internet marketers live on the seat of our chairs in fear that at any moment the powerful Google could decide to poke a hole in our dreams and years of hard work and watch them deflate in an instant. This is often because we don't know how to make Google happy. Learning what pleases the internet king can give some rest to the anxiety and is often rewarded with a lot more profitability online.

    The "R" Word...

    If there is one word that makes Google's business model work, it is "relevant." Google is constantly scouting out websites that are relevant and useful and exposing those that are not (in the eyes of the creeping Google spiders, anyway). Customers who depend on their search engine demand relevant, valuable information. There are many other competing search engines to turn to if they aren't satisfied.

    Because of the "R" word, using the most effective keywords and placing them in a valuable context is essential to pleasing Google.

    Relevancy on the Page...

    Most of the content on your website must be directly tied to your keywords for the site. Further, each page needs to have content directly tied to specific keywords for that page. For instance, if your website covers all aspects of dog ownership and the page you are working on is targeting dog food, then content on the page should be related to dog food in some aspect.

    If you target the keyword "umbrella stroller" because you see it is a highly searched for keyword, people who are led to your site through Google will be quite disappointed to get there and read about dog ownership instead of umbrella strollers. This is why Google highly dislikes sites that target keywords that are not relevant to the subject of the website.

    The War is On...

    Before Google hit the internet, the search engines of that time didn't care much about the relevancy of the sites it led people to. They simply didn't think people cared all too much about how relevant a site's content was to their search terms.

    It actually benefited the search engines when unrelated sites were produced, because then people had to search a bit longer to find what they actually wanted. More searches and more time on their engines was good business for those search engines.

    Google had a more searcher-friendly take on how business was operated. They wanted to produce results that were in line with what people actually wanted to view so their engine would be more convenient and valuable to searchers. Obviously, their business plan was way more popular since Google now sets all the standards that others have to meet in order to be even slightly competitive.

    How to Appease Google...

    Your chosen keywords are essentially a road map that tells everyone (searchers and engine spiders) what your site is about. You have to be very specific with these terms to be effective. For example, consider the difference between "pine lumber" and "pine trees." Pine lumber does come from pine trees, but when used in the context of an article or website content they are not the same thing. Someone looking to purchase lumber for a building project doesn't want to be led to your blog about the benefits of pine trees for the environment!

    Everything has to meet the standards of that pesky "R" word. Your keywords must be relevant to the purpose and subject of your website. Your content must be relevant to those keywords. When this doesn't happen, you will be reduced to the heap of rejected and deflated sites that Google has kicked down so low very few searchers will ever find them again!

    Yet, when the "R" word (relevant) is respected, everyone is happy and will work very well together, and that includes the webmaster, Google, and those searching for relevant information

    Jerry Pelletier moved into online marketing from the home building industry, where he owned his own company for over 23 years. When I retired from the housing industry I quickly needed a new challenge, internet marketing filled that void. I absolutely think that everyone should start their own Home Based Business to build an additional stream of income or a primary income.

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    Design Your Website to Maximize Sales

    By Sam S Patterson

    One of the most important resources that can be provided by an IT services unit in any company is web design. It goes without saying that if your company has a presence on the web and it is not used to its fullest potential, then you are missing out on huge volumes of business. As you are probably aware, the Internet abounds with hundreds of millions of websites and, depending on your business, there is an increasing number of competitors entering your market every day around the world. But you might be surprised to discover that many websites fail to capitalise on their potential by not adhering to principles of good design and visitor usability.

    It's easy to draw a parallel with a physical store in that if you don't display your goods properly and have a welcoming entrance, you are unlikely to attract even the most casual passerby. It is the same with a website: you have to provide an easily navigable entrance and grab a visitor's attention immediately to entice them further.

    Design is not simply a thing of beauty, it is a matter of functionality and, unfortunately, many Web designers fall into the trap of producing a beautiful design which falls short when it comes to ease of navigation.

    It is important to get the blend absolutely perfect in order to maximise your online sales and there are some important issues which need to be covered.
    • Apart from having an in-depth knowledge of code, a good web designer will build a site with a simple architecture. This means that your page will load quickly and that visitors will be instantly presented with an easy to understand interface that enables them to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter whether you have a huge variety of products or not, you must think of your design in terms of how well it serves the needs of your visitor.
    • Layout is the next most important thing that any business needs to consider. In keeping with the principles mentioned above, your site needs to be logically laid out and colour-coded so that visitors are left in no doubt as to the range of products you have available which can be easily found through a simple menu system.
    • Navigability is something which many web designs sadly lack. The navigation of your site should be prominently placed either at the top of the page or easily seen in a sidebar so that visitors can logically detect the layout of your site and go straight to the area they wish.
    • Most importantly perhaps is the element of content. It should be a no-brainer but your content must be written for both human visitors and for search engines. This means you have to strike a neat balance between using keywords that allow search engines to understand the content of your site and so rank it accordingly, as well as providing information which is relevant to web surfers so they can find the information they were seeking.
    These few tips are only the start and your IT services department should be given full rein to provide a design that satisfies every criteria.

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