Membuat Buku Tamu tersebunyi

Buku tamu tersembunyi merupakan widget yang digunakan untuk menyembunyikan buku tamu. jika di klik maka buku tamu tersebut akan muncul. sebagai contohnya anda dapat melihatnya di blog ini. widget ini juga berfungsing untuk menghemat tempat di blog anda. karena blog ini tidak diletakkan di body melaikan di sisipkan di samping body.  Nah ga perlu panjang lebar lagi mari kita lihat cara membuatnya:
  1. Masuk ke account Blogger kamu, pilih "Layout" kemudian "Page Elements",
  2. Klik "Add a Gadget" (yang mana aja oke), kemudian pilih "HTML/JavaScript",
  3. Copy-paste kode di bawah ini:
<style type="text/css">
* html #gb{position:relative;}
background:url('') no-repeat;
border:2px solid #A5BD51;
<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideGB(){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var w = gb.offsetWidth;
gb.opened ? moveGB(0, 30-w) : moveGB(20-w, 0);
gb.opened = !gb.opened;
function moveGB(x0, xf){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveGB("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}
<div id="gb">
<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()">   </div>
<div class="gbcontent">

<!-- Paste kode buku tamu sobat di sini -->
<center><a href=""><button style="width:300px; background:#345487; color:#FFFFFF">Get This Widget Here!</button></a>
<div style="text-align:right">
<a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
<script type="text/javascript">
var gb = document.getElementById("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";

Pada kode di atas, Tulisan yang berwarna merah di atas ganti dengan kode buku tamu yang kamu dapatkan dari situsnya, Kamu juga bisa atur posisinya. Ubah aja nilai atribut top-nya. 

Selamat mencoba! Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungan Anda..!

Memblokir klik kanan di Blog

terkadang kita ingin blog kita itu tidak bisa di klik orang sembarangan. mungkin hal ini dikarenakan kita terpaksa untuk melakukannya. jika anda ingin blog anda tidak bisa di klik kanan oleh orang lain, saya menyediakan tutorial untuk membuat hal tersebut terjadi. untuk melakukan hal itu silahkan ikuti langkah di bawah ini :

1. Masuk ke Blog anda
2. Klik Tata Letak
3. Klik Tambah Gadget
4. Klik pilihan menu HTML/JavaScript
5. Pastekan script di bawah ini ke dalam kolom konten tersebut
var message="Maaf, Klik Kanan Saat Ini Saya Disable";
function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(message);return false;}}
function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;}
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;}
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

6. Silahkan ganti script yang berwarna merah dengan kalimat pilihan anda
7. Klik Simpan
8. Selesai
Tapi Kalo Buat Blog yg Menyediakan Tutorial Blogging, Cara ini gak cocok! karena Orang harus Copy HTML yang kita berikan

Membuat Wiget Burung Twitter Beterbangan di Blog

Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih dulu sama System of Blog selaku sumber dari tutorial ini. jika burung twitter ini di klik maka akan mengarah pada akun twitter anda. Jika kalian Mengubah posisi cursor/scrolling maka burung inipun akan terbang berubah posisi. keren bukan??? langsung aja saya kasih cara untuk membuatnya...

1. Login Ke Blogger >> Rancangan >> Tambah Widget >> HTML/Javascript
2. Lalu masukkan Kode ini :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var birdSprite="";
var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span");
var twitterAccount = "";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - techGyo";tripleflapInit();
<a id="theBird" href="" target="_blank" style="display: block; position: absolute; width: 64px; height: 64px; background-image: url(; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; z-index: 947; left: 0px; top: 587px; background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; "></a>
<a id="theBirdLtweet" href="" target="_blank" title="tweet this" style="position: absolute; background-image: url(; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; width: 58px; height: 30px; z-index: 951; left: 49px; top: 583px; display: none; opacity: 0; background-position: -64px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; "></a>
<a id="theBirdLfollow" href="" target="_blank" title="follow me" style="position: absolute; background-image: url(; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; width: 58px; height: 20px; z-index: 952; left: 54px; top: 613px; display: none; opacity: 0; background-position: -64px -30px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; "></a>

3. Ganti tulisan Biru-Biru (akuntwittersobat) menjadi ID twitter anda
Simpan deh... Burung mu (eh.. bukan burung yang itu..) Jadi dehh.... 

Test Drive Unlimited 2 |Full ISO + Rip| [Mediafire]

Chase glory from behind the wheel of the most exclusive performance cars and take the race online to challenge rivals around the world. Customise your life as you tear through the streets and kick up dust off-road on the sun-kissed islands of Ibiza and Hawaii. 
Test Drive Unlimited 2 transforms the driving genre, adding the persistency, progression and customization of the latest multiplayer games to the racing experience. Test Drive Unlimited 2 blends single player and multiplayer experiences seamlessly, creating a dynamic world of evolving content and challenges. Players define their online persona through unparalleled customization of their avatars and vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and other accoutrements of a luxurious international lifestyle. The challenge comes to life with refinement and balance of the core Test Drive driving experience. All-new race types, vehicle classes, environmental challenges, locations and much more push this epic franchise to new levels of performance. 

CONNECT: TDU2 blends the single-player and multiplayer experiences seamlessly. TDU2 is “always live” with automatic content updates and seamless online/offline integration. New content, challenges and features will integrate dynamically into the gameplay as the world evolves over time.
EXPERIENCE: An all-new single player story mode, with compelling character progression, an exciting narrative and immersive cut scenes to draw you in to the vibrant world of TDU2. Single player mode can be experienced offline or as part of the multiplayer experience. Create your custom avatar and build your fortune.
EXPLORE: Hit the streets on whole new island: Ibiza. New terrain types, architecture and beautiful vistas bring this legendary location to life. Take on hundreds of unique missions as you explore over two-thousand miles of roadway and back roads in this Mediterranean paradise.
M.O.O.R.™: Massively Open Online Racing is back! Test Drive Unlimited 2 expands M.O.O.R. with an huge variety of exciting new features. Level up your character based on how you race, enjoy all new group racing modes, and take on other racers that you encounter in this open, persistent racing environment.
SOCIALIZE: A whole new, out of car mode, where you can walk around shared spaces and interact with other players. All new clubs (guilds) now a huge part of the game.
CUSTOMIZE: Unlock a huge range of options and show off your custom avatar to friends and rivals. Customize your car with custom paint jobs, decals, interiors and trims. Customize every aspect of your avatar –– hair, clothes, physique and attitude. Buy your dream house (or yacht… or nightclub), decorate, furnish and invite your friends.
EVOLVE: Many new enhancements, features and modes; weather, day/night, motion blur, car damage, completely new handling model built from the ground up. Many new core driving modes and game-play; Championship, racing school, duels, cups. Off road is now featured, with a whole new class of vehicle and hundreds of miles of off road tracks now in the game.
DRIVE!: Test Drive Unlimited 2 puts the world’s most desirable vehicles in the player’s hands. These ultra-limited edition masterpieces are flawlessly replicated with Eden’s finely tuned driving technology.

Full ISO [Crack included] (6.5 GB)

RIP by Globe [ 2.67 GB]
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After extracting 2.7 GB zip file.


Portal 2-SKIDROW+Crack FIX |Mediafire+Duckload|

Portal 2 draws from the award-winning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a cult following. The single-player portion of Portal 2 introduces a cast of dynamic new characters, a host of fresh puzzle elements, and a much larger set of devious test chambers. Players will explore never-before-seen areas of the Aperture Science Labs and be reunited with GLaDOS, the occasionally murderous computer companion who guided them through the original game. The game’s two-player cooperative mode features its own entirely separate campaign with a unique story, test chambers, and two new player characters. This new mode forces players to reconsider everything they thought they knew about portals. Success will require them to not just act cooperatively, but to think cooperatively 
 Crack FIX

Size : ( 6.7  GB )


Stoked: Big Air Edition 2011 |Mediafire+Duckload|

Developed in collaboration with world-renowned snowboarding movie creator Absinthe Films, Stoked reflects the pioneering spirit of professional riders. Extreme Mission and dynamic control. The riders who brave and willing to learn, these conditions are the foundation of any legend of any video and in magazines. The appearance and style of these riders is an imitation of the world. In Stoked, it's your turn to become a legendary rider and surprise the world in the Xbox Live becoming a professional snowboarder.

Minimum Specifications:
* OS: Windows: /Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3/ Seven
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
* Memory: 1.5GB,
* 8GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900 (Direct X 9c compatible)
[not compatible with ATI 2400 Series]
Keyboard or X360 wired controller.
One time Internet connexion needed for the first launch.

Recommended System Requirements:
* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
* Memory: 2 GB (Windows XP) 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
* 8 GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870 (Direct X 10 compatible)

Size : ( ~ 3.1  GB )


Battlefield Bad Company 2[Mediafire]

 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 brings the award-winning Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of PC gaming with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected  "Battlefield moments." New vehicles like the ATV and a transport helicopter  allow for all-new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. With the  Frostbite-enabled Destruction 2.0 system, you can take down entire buildings  and create your own fire points by blasting holes through cover. You can also  compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive awards and achievements. Battles are set across expansive  maps, each with a different tactical focus. The game also sees the return of  the B Company squad in a more mature single-player campaign. 

.:: 200 MB Links ::.
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Trik Menampilkan Total Post, Comment, Dan Online User

akhirnya update juga. setelah capek menghadapi uts di skolah. kali ini saya akan berbagi sedikit Trik Menampilkan Total Post, Comment, dan Online User. Trik ini dimaksudkan agar pengunjung mengetahui seluruh atau total post, komentar dan pengunjung blog kita. Trik ini menggunakan kode javascript yang akan menampilkan seperti pada gambar di atas. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
  • Log in akun blogger anda.
  • Pilih Design kemudian kemudian klik add an HTML/Javascript
  • Kemudian copy paste kode di bawah ini:

<script style="text/javascript">
function totalPosts(json) {
document.write('Stories: <b>' + json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t + '</b><br>');
function totalComments(json) {
document.write('Comments: <b>' + json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t + '</b><br>');
<script src=" /feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=totalPosts"></script>
<script src=" /feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=totalComments"></script>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<table border="0" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
<td width="35%">
Online Readers:</td>
<td width="65%"><p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></b></p></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-4679235-4");
} catch(err) {}</script>

NOTE : Ganti kode YOURBLOG dengan alamat blog anda.
setelah itu simpan. silahkan anda lihat hasilnya di blog anda masing-masing. 

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City is a standalone compilation of the downloadable content (DLC) episodes for the 2008 video game Grand Theft Auto IV. Created by Rockstar North in the United Kingdom, it contains both The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony on one disc. It was released alongside the DLC release of The Ballad of Gay Tony on 29 October 2009 for the Xbox 360 and released on 13 April 2010 for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 3.

Unlike the downloadable versions of the episodes, the compilation does not require a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV to play, nor is an Xbox Live or PlayStation Networkaccount necessary (except for multiplayer). The content is also played straight from the disc, and does not need to be downloaded to a hard drive to play, like various other disc-based expansions for other Xbox 360 games that have been released in the past. Available exclusively on the Episodes from Liberty City disc are three new in-game radio stations – Vice City FM, RamJam FM and Self-Actualization FM.

System Requirement
Minimum System Requirements :
Operation SystemWindows 7 / Windows Vista Service Pack 1 / Windows XP Service Pack 3
CPU : Intel Cor 2 Duo 1.8 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4 GHz
Memory : 1.0 GB (Windows XP), 1.5 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
Hard drive space : 16 GB of free space
Graphics hardware : 256 MB Nvidia 7900 / 256 MB ATI X1900
Soud hardware : 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card
NetworkInternet connection required for activation and multiplayer
Recomended System Requirements :
Operational System Windows 7 / Windows Vista Service Pack 1 / Windows XP Service Pack 3
CPU : Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1 GHz
Memory :18 GB of free space
Graphics hardware : 512 MB Nvidia 8600 / 512 MB ATI 3870
Sound hardware : 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card
NetworkInternet connection required for activation and multiplayer

Password  =


Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed Reloaded |Mediafire|

The critically acclaimed SHIFT franchise returns to the track to deliver the most physical racing experience to date with SHIFT 2 Unleashed.  Feel what the Driver’s Battle is actually like in an unparalleled racing experience that captures the physicality and brutality of being behind the wheel going 200mph.  Frighteningly authentic physics and degradation of tracks and cars, thrilling night racing, and an eye-watering sense of speed combined with the helmet camera puts you right in the heart in the action. Feel every scrape, bump, and burn out in an all-out fight to the finish line.  SHIFT 2 Unleashed sets the bar for realistic racing and gives all the excitement and exhilaration of race day in a groundbreaking authentic experience.  
Size : ( 6.7 GB )
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Duck-load Single link